
2024-05-21 22:22:33 体育资讯 facai888



  • Weight training 举重训练
  • Cardio exercise 有氧运动
  • Sprint 冲刺
  • Interval training 间歇训练
  • Agility drills 敏捷训练
  • Flexibility exercises 柔韧性训练
  • Endurance training 耐力训练
  • Core strengthening 核心强化训练

  • Quads 股四头肌
  • Hamstrings 大腿后肌
  • Calves 小腿肌肉
  • Glutes 臀部肌肉
  • Abdominals 腹部肌肉
  • Obliques 腹外斜肌
  • Pectorals 胸大肌
  • Deltoids 肩部三角肌
  • Triceps 三头肌
  • Biceps 二头肌
  • Forearms 前臂肌肉

  • Warm up before starting. 开始前先热身。
  • Keep your back straight. 保持后背挺直。
  • Breathe evenly during the exercise. 锻炼时呼吸要均匀。
  • Push through the heels. 用脚跟用力。
  • Don't forget to cool down. 切记做好收尾活动。
  • Engage your core. 收紧核心肌群。
  • Focus on your form. 注意动作规范。
  • You're doing great! Keep it up! 你做得很好!继续保持!
  • Try to pace yourself. 尽量掌握自己的节奏。
  • Make sure to hydrate. 保证充分补水。
